3 Ways A CFP Can Help With Your Finances

Statera Financial Planners |

Whether you’re tackling debt, juggling financial priorities, or just trying to get your financial life on a better course, a CFP professional, like us here at Statera Financial Planners, can help you work through the options and create a customized plan to get you back on the path to financial wellness! We can help with:


Diagnosing and treating your financial issues

A CFP professional attends to your financial health the same way your family doctor manages physical or immune health. We figure out what can be done for you, create action plans, and bring in trusted specialists where necessary. CFPs are like the quarterbacks of your financial wellness. We can manage the relationships, objectives, and solutions of your professional network to ensure that everyone is on the same page, with the same goals in mind, ensuring the solutions presented are in the best interest of the long-term plan we’ve created.

Whether you are in need of an accountant to help with a complex income tax filing, a tax lawyer to help with the succession of your business and protecting the assets, or a psychologist to assist in the mindset of changing life stages and how it changes your financial situation; we make sure that everyone is on the same play page.

Just as with your family doctor, you should feel comfortable to be open and honest with your financial planner. Trust is the key to your relationship, but also don’t feel awkward or embarrassed about your financial situation―we’re there to help you!


Acting as your search engine for financial information

Are you suffering from information overload when it comes to your finances? In this age of social media, TikTok trends, personal finance blogs and countless other online sources, it’s so easy to become confused and overwhelmed. Not only that but the information is likely unreliable or not the best fit for your unique situation. Your life, financial wellbeing, and goals are individual to you, the uniqueness of your advice needs to match.

Advice you receive from your CFP professional is customized for your personal situation, and we have a written obligation to put your interests ahead of all others.


Helping you set a course for financial well-being

There are all kinds of statistics and research that shows how individuals who work with CFPs get farther ahead than those that don’t. Plenty of details around the benefits to a financial plan and the feelings of security and understanding to one’s own situation when participating in the planning process. Sure, we are geeks about stats in so much of what we do, but we’d rather prove those results with you as the successful subject rather than rattle off numbers. We believe in the value we can bring to your financial well-being, let’s build your path and walk it together.


If, like so many Canadians, you’re struggling with where to turn for help, considering a CFP professional is a great first step. They can connect you with credit counselors, accountants or lawyers and then build a plan to create security in your financial future. Talk to Statera Financial Planners with confidence!


Article details by www.financialplanningforcanadians.ca