Five Tips to Fight Anxiety About Money

Statera Financial Planners |

Sometimes they seem inescapable—those vague (or not so vague) money worries that persistently clutter your mind.

If you’re feeling anxious about money, you’re not alone. Research shows that 7 out of 10 Canadians worry a lot about their financial situation. Women are more likely to worry than men and those in mid-life are more likely to worry than other age groups.

But there are ways to lose the anxiety and get on the path to financial well-being. Whether your goal is to get your debt under control, make ends meet with some breathing room or take that trip you’ve always dreamed of, you don’t have to go it alone.

Here are some tips to combat your worries and rediscover a calm, confident approach to your money.

1.    One step at a time:

By taking a clear look at your finances in spite of your worries, you can feel good in knowing that you’ve overcome procrastination and are on the right track. Tackle things in small bites and it’ll get easier as you go along. Use the momentum of getting started to begin to address your concerns and ultimately eliminate them.

2.    Get help:

If your car needed fixing or your roof needed to be replaced, you’d more than likely call in a pro. Getting expert help with your finances makes just as much sense. Don’t feel shy about your financial situation or think you need to be further ahead financially before you come and see Statera Financial Planners. We have seen countless situations like yours and are there to help, not judge. Think of us as your coach on the path to financial well-being. No matter what your current circumstances, we can help you take charge and get back in control and even give you the tools to create positive habits for every stage of life.

3.    Ask questions:

You’re not alone if you struggle with numbers and financial terminology, become intimidated by the subject or just zone out. Don’t be afraid to ask lots of questions. A good Planner will make sure that every question is answered, you understand what’s happening, and that you agree with what’s being recommended.

4.    Make it a family affair:

Have an open discussion with your family about your financial concerns. Stress can be reduced when we stop trying to hide our situation from others. Use the opportunity to share and learn from other family members, who have more than likely been in a similar financial situation to yours. You may be surprised at the support and helpfulness of the whole family once you’re all on the same page.

5.    Keep up the good work:

Review and revise your financial goals regularly, on your own and with our help, to be sure your day-to-day activities keep you on track to reach your short and long-term dreams.

Knowing how much money you spend and where you spend it helps empower you to take control of your finances and make changes to reduce your stress.


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